Survey Processing Services

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

ARDEM Data Entry for Medical Claims Processing

Health Insurance claims billing and collection can be a long process.  ARDEM provides data entry services for medical claims processing which improves the claims receivable and collection management process.

 HCFA1500 forms are just one type of health insurance claim forms that ARDEM can process. The HCFA1500 details the numerous medical services the patient has received from the medical service provider.  For the service provider to get paid for these procedures/tests often a third party Receivables Management Company comes into play.  The medical claims receivable management company now utilizes ARDEM for collection of medical data from the HCFA forms and creation of database of outstanding claims.

If you have large volumes of claims you process, significant efficiencies can be achieved by utilizing ARDEM solution for data entry and data capture from HCFA claims. If your current work load of claims processing is getting to be more than what you can handle in-house?  Give ARDEM a call and we will tell you all about how we can help with Data Entry from medical claims.  ARDEM can provide you quick reliable and accurate data entry service. 

124 HIllsborough Road
Hillsborough NJ 08844
ARDEM Incorporated
Hillsborough, New Jersey.USA.
                 908 359 2600       

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