Rebates and sweepstakes contests are great promotional tools to acquire new customers and retain current customers. Businesses often choose to outsource this labor-intensive back-end process to a rebate processing company to efficiently streamline and decrease cycle time.
Often, these rebate processes require you to mail in proof of purchase along with a form filled out with some basic information. These programs are usually run as a limited-time event but can quickly accumulate into a large volume document processing task. Businesses often choose to outsource this labor-intensive back-end process to a rebate processing company to efficiently streamline this process.
Outsourcing Rebate Processing to Eliminate Cycle Time
One of the most common questions consumers ask regarding rebates is “how long does a rebate take to process?” On average rebates take a minimum of 4 weeks to process, but the length in rebate processing has not changed much over time as we see in an article from 1986 most rebates take 6 to 8 weeks or more which is similar to a tax refund.
Having to collect, extract data, analyze, and process checks for thousands of participants can take a very long time. Many businesses that offer these rebate opportunities do not have the necessary resources to efficiently process rebates in-house. Each rebate has value and ensuring that each one is accounted for is important for both compliance and customer satisfaction.
Mohit Tater of Entrepreneurship Life explains that businesses outsource tedious work and specialty work that is not being done efficiently in-house. Rather than spending more time and money trying to complete tasks such as rebate processing, outsourcing this task onto a reliable company makes this process more efficient.
ARDEM’s Outsourcing Solution

Rebate processing requires accuracy and quality to ensure that all rebates are accounted for, and to check for duplicate entries!
Rebates are time sensitive which means that processing them needs to be done accurately with a quick turnaround. All rebates that are received are prepped and scanned with high-speed scanners to capture all necessary data.
In a previous blog, we talk about how “good enough, isn’t enough” for data entry, and that the cost of errors ends up being both emotionally and financially high. Errors with rebate processing cause an increase in delays which ultimately increases customer complaints which damage a company’s reputation.
With a combination of automation and human expertise, all data that is captured is run through multiple validation checks to ensure both quality and accuracy. Once the data is captured, this data can be analyzed to spot different trends for consumer behavior studies.
Rooted in ISO27001, our defense in depth systems address data security in multiple levels to ensure that keep your data safe is our standard practice.
Contact ARDEM today to see how our outsourcing services can help you cut costs and improve efficiency!
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