Survey Processing Services

Monday, January 30, 2012

Medical Summary + Document Management + Legal Department = Success

ARDEM Inc. has Expanded Offerings to Cover Medical Summaries

          Nurses want too much money for minimal productivity when it comes to being hired by a law firm, or legal department, to do medical summaries of medical records. When a law firm or legal department has to compile information to decide if a case is worth pursuing, or to build a valid defense, it requires the lawyers to ready through thousands of pages of medical documents. This is ineffective and not worth the lawyers time; the next option is to hire a nurse to read through the documents and compile a medical summary for the lawyers to read and make their determination. This, unfortunately, isn’t effective and is too costly, when taking into consideration the nurse charges upwards of $150 an hour and can only produce 5 summaries a week.  
            The better solution… using a 3rd party with clinically trained and experienced staff that is armed with a document management system allowing them to charge by the page and produce up 30 summaries a week, without even breaking a sweat. This solution allows for flexibility, increased control, cost reduction and high quality; this should be music to lawyers ears. Flexibility is increased by being able to ramp up and reduce production at moment’s notice, without having to worry about what nurse is going to be hired. Increased control is possible by having a document management system that is SSL/TLS encrypted and can allow for real time, keystroke by keystroke, monitoring by the lawyer or legal department. Cost reduction comes into play by large volume, high experience and streamlined processes. High quality is ensured since the staff is clinically trained and shh… don’t tell anyone, but all the work is still done ON-shore.

            The combination of an information processing company and a pharmacovigilance support company allow for all of the above advantages of dealing with drug recalls and the compilation of litigation documents. Lawyers and legal departments can’t afford to not look into an on-shore medical summary service that can reduces costs and delivers on timeliness and quality.

ARDEM is available to answer questions and provide presentations that will prove our abilities and put all questions to rest.

124 HIllsborough Road
Hillsborough NJ 08844
ARDEM Incorporated
Hillsborough, New Jersey.USA.

908 359 2600

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