Survey Processing Services

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Data Entry Service V 14.0_ Need to Knows

The first added benefit of selecting a data entry service provider which can provide end-to-end direct mail survey services is: increased control. The increase of control can be seen in multiple stages of the project, but let’s start from the beginning.
Format and template design of the paper-based survey. By having a data entry service provider who also prints, assembles, mails and processes the survey; the vendor can work with you to finalize a format that weighs out the following benefits: highest accuracy of collected information, visual appeal, folding and assembly of the survey, best cost. Being able to control all of these aspects by only speaking with, and dealing with, one person increases control immensely; just ask anyone who has had to play middle man over the best format of a paper-based survey design. Being able to control and know that all of the paper-based survey needs are being taken care of by the same entity is a great way to increase quality, aka control.
The next post will go over the increase of Cost Savings that comes along with using a single vendor for the full end-to-end solution for paper-based surveys.
By the always transparent ARDEM Incorporated; empowering clients to weed out the competition for us. 

124 HIllsborough Road
Hillsborough NJ 08844
ARDEM Incorporated
Hillsborough, New Jersey.USA.

908 359 2600

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