Survey Processing Services

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Need to Knows of Document Scanning Services v. 2.0

When Starting a Document Scanning Project Keep the Following in Mind
Aside from pages vs. images and DPI there are a lot of other basic details to consider when starting a conversion project.  The current state of the documents is one of these details, as well as, required end state of the source documents.
            The current state of the source documents plays a huge role in the total cost of a document scanning project. The current state of the source documents is referring to many, many things. To start: how old are the documents? Are there tears or rips? Have the pages yellowed? etc.; the older the documents the more gently they have to be handled, which increases time and costs. The tears and rips have to be properly taped to ensure legibility of all information, which also increases effort and time. If the pages have yellowed there has to be a determination if this is a preservation project or a conversion project. If it is preservation, many times an exact copy of the source document is desired, meaning the yellow needs to be captured. If it is a conversion project, chances are the information on the page is most important and certain scanner settings can be used to optimize the desired information. Both will require different tactics.

  Check in at the start of next week to learn more about the document scanning details, of the source documents, that will have an effect on your project; by the always transparent ARDEM Incorporated; empowering clients to weed out the competition for us. 

124 HIllsborough Road
Hillsborough NJ 08844
ARDEM Incorporated
Hillsborough, New Jersey.USA.

908 359 2600

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Document Scanning Company
