Survey Processing Services

Monday, April 16, 2012

Need to Knows – Data Entry Service V 3.0

When Starting a Data Entry Project Keep the Following in Mind
So we know that not everyone can charge for entering data, and even when the capabilities and volumes are high enough to charge for data entry services; we know that double key data entry should be used. What else is there? You know the vendor uses double key data entry, is that enough? NO! Not even close.
                In addition to double key data entry, you need to make sure your potential vendor has experience in the field in which you are in. What about just data entry experience? Isn’t that enough? Unfortunately, it might not be enough; specific experience is generally the best way to go when selecting a new data entry vendor. Take a market research company, for example, they would want their data entry service provider to have experience working with paper based surveys.     
 Each sector has small details that seem meaningless but can have huge negative effects down the road. In regards to a data entry service for a market research company a small detail can be; what does one do with a blank question or survey, or a survey which only has one question answered. In other sectors it might be okay to just ignore the record since it is no good to the end client if it is not completed in full. But to a market research company all information is extremely important, and needs to be handled in certain ways. A vendor needs to know their clients and their clients’ needs this way nothing is missed or missed places. A data entry service provider who is working for a market research company needs to have a good handle on programing. This is to allow for logical checks and constraints to be placed into the data entry process to increase the accuracy of the data entry services being provided. Not only is there programing needs on the back end, but prior to the survey being conducted the data entry service provider needs to be able to analyze the survey and make suggestions to the formatting that will allow for technology to be used, to allow for a better processing environment.
                The data entry service needs for a market research company extend far past the ability to enter data. We will spend more time on data entry for market research companies next time.
 By the always transparent ARDEM Incorporated; empowering clients to weed out the competition for us. 

124 HIllsborough Road
Hillsborough NJ 08844
ARDEM Incorporated
Hillsborough, New Jersey.USA.

908 359 2600

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