Survey Processing Services

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Need to Knows – Data Entry Service V 4.0

When Starting a Data Entry Project Keep the Following in Mind
Let’s continue with specifics and what certain industries will want to look for in a data entry vendor; continuing with market research companies.
            Aside from needing to know what to do with blank or incomplete forms (ie. surveys or questionnaires) there needs to be a level of trust and security that the data entry service vendor can provide. Data entry services is a serious topic since we are, a lot of the time, talking about consumer’s information, aka “data”, and making sure that privacy and confidentiality policies are in place. Just picking any old data entry service vendor is not a smart decision on behalf of a market research company since there is the possibility of that data being sold to 3rd parties to make a quick buck. That brings up the question; “Why would any market research company leverage a 3rd party for data entry or data processing services?” that question is left to be answered by each individual company themselves. But light can be shed on the fact that there are quality, secure and loyal data entry companies out there. I know that is hard to believe since the term “data entry” so commonly conjures up thoughts of low paid off-shore organizations… but that is a post for another day. The fact is that there are data entry service vendors out there which are HIPAA compliant and providing their services to the US Federal/State/Local Governments. These vendors have created their customer base by providing quality services, under strict privacy controls with no history of “questionable data activity.” Finding those vendors is the important part, and might not be as difficult as one might have thought.
            Check in before the end of the week for more information on how to extinguish “questionable” data entry service providers from the quality, loyal and secure data entry service providers.  

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